Probable Impacts of Covıd-19 Outbreak on Turkish Economy
In order to assess the possible impact of the coronavirus on Turkish economy, it is important not only to focus on the epidemiological profile of the virus but also on the ways that consumers, businesses, and governments may respond to it . Covid-19 may most directly shape economic losses through supply chains, demand, and financial markets, affecting business investment, household consumption, and international trade. It might bring about a panic situation among individuals, however, also it can trigger significant international economic depression in the World. When we focus on our economy, we already now can see a panic situation. This outbreak may more affect customer prefers, and it may lead to demand shrinking. Individuals will buy less of some goods and services because they afraid of potential exposure to the virus. For instance, they may be less willing to travel or go out to eat. The result is that air travel and hotels could feel a real depress...